About Me

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I will keep it short. Black Milk addict. tattooed. singer for Lesbian Bed Death contact kittieracchea@hotmail.co.uk he6a6t6her@hotmail.co.uk Instagram @kittieracchea lookbook.nu/kittie_racchea

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Let the Nomming commence

Wow, my last post went on alot longer than I expected.

To bring things back into context I discovered Black Milk Clothing over a year ago, a good friend of mine added me into a face book group called "black milk UK Sharkies"

I had absolutely no idea what a "sharkie" was. It was explained to me a Sharkie was someone who was obsessed with Black milk, it all seemed a bit strange to me, but after reading a few posts and doing a bit of  research I was sucked in. That was it, I was hooked.

Before I found BM (black milk) I was struggling a little with fashion. I had grown out of looking like some undead child of Satan's quite a few years back, and I was just stuck in a rut of skinny jeans and Tshirts, that and dressing like a 12 year old.

I took this as an opportunity to re invent myself, to give my self some kind of fashion identity. BM has so many designs to choose from and you really do feel like you have to have them all. My bank balance disagreed. I sold a hell of alot of stuff to be able to afford any BM in the first place and I try and make sure that I sell something before I buy something new (a great idea,but it doesn't always work out that way) I like to think of it as recycling.

I don't earn alot. Mainly enough to cover bills, so I cant just buy "all the things" if I really really want something and can justify buying it then I will, if not I wont. Because of this constant recycling I rarely have more than 12 pieces at a time, the most being 15 but who needs 15 pairs of leggings really? No one, exactly. Having two days off a week didn't give me time to get much use out of them, if I had a job that didn't require a uniform I'd be all over it, every day but that sadly isn't the case.I got rid of a lot of things that I just didn't wear, mainly swimsuits. I love the idea of them but they really are just too much hassle, a complete no go in winter as getting semi nude in an ice cube of a bathroom isn't my cup of tea, So Ikept some leggings and decided Id rather wear dresses.

I have NEVER been a dress person. For some reason I have always had a fear of them, God knows why, but man, I had to have these dresses! they are just so easy to style and they really do make you look and feel freaking awesome. Recently BM have started to bring out skater dresses and oh my god i never though I could love a cut sooo much, but that's a whole other post!

Pretty much every day now consists of  BM, I'm a very active group member and in some ways it feels like having another family. A huge family of mega hot girls all over the world, that's the other amazing thing about the brand, I'm not aware of any other clothing brands that have quite such a following. They listen to what girls want and they take on ideas for all sorts of things, before a big release there is such excitement among the groups that I'm pretty sure some girls are ready to burst. They are based in Australia so with the time zone difference many an early hour has been spent sat at the computer at 4am waiting excitedly to Nom everything in sight (incidentally the word "Nom" is how the Sharkie nickname came to be, a tonne of girls "Nommed" the website in the brands early days, which led to it going offline completely. Nommed to death like a pack of sharks in a feeding frenzy)

I have had a bit of a break of the last few months and I havn't quite been feeling that excitement I used to have but recently with alot of new dress cuts and skirts I'm starting to feel it again and I cant wait to see what they have in store for the rest of the year!

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